
Tuesday, May 17, 2016


What made Jesus of Nazareth the greatest person the world has ever known? Unlike the hypocrites of that time, Jesus was not ashamed to dale care that the main purpose of His coming into this world was to serve people. He said, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me, though he may die, he shall live" (John 14:6). He never said always Himself, "I am Jesus." When he spoke of himself, the Messiah always referred to the calling the father ordained for Him. Great men and women become by discovering other people's problems and providing answers to them.

Our problem as imperfect people lies in seeing too constrained. Our earthly expectations cause us to suppress our natural feelings. Often we should not reluctant to mention our true calling for fear of ridicule. We should not hesitate to reveal our true calling, however, because each of us represents the solution to someone's problem. The reason on the health related and legal professions are so popular is that they can address people's needs. Those who work in these areas usually receive handsome rewards because there offer solutions.

The surest way to become great is to serve other people. It is important to build a life on the principle of loving your neighbour. If you do this by serving other people, success and greatness will follow. Serving people means ministering to them. Your service are the products you offer other people. The more people you serve, the better you are known. If you serve ten people, only ten people will know about you. If you produce ten cars, only ten people will know about you and your car. However, if you want to serve motorists by building hundreds of thousands of new cars and improving their technical characteristics, hundred of thousands in the car -buying public will know you. This really is the difference between successful, but the one producing hundred of thousands is more than merely successful. That person is great because he or she influences and impacts more people. That is greatness. That is true success.

There are limitless ways in which you can attend to other people's needs and problems. By serving others without expecting anything in return, you will receive the love and respect of those you serve. In this way you will succeed, even if you work for free, yet your reward will be greater than physical salary you could get.

Do you want to offer your knowledge and experience in solving problems? First find out what people need. Is it repentance, christian growth, disciple ship, healing, or financial success? Once the Lord has revealed to you what people need, you will know what kind of service you can offer, perhaps in the form of a profession such as a pastor, teacher, dentist, or financial advisor.

A successful man or woman is constantly searching for people with whom they can share their own Wisdom, life experience and skills. Everything we need has already been entrusted into other hands. When you put your gift at the service of other people, or when other people put their gift at your service, blessings flow God and together we help fulfil the great commandment of love: "love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind, and your neighbour as yourself"(luke 10:27).

We often the think of commandment as something limiting our freedom to act. That is not so. God's commandments are a gift and blessing to us. They are designed to help the person who, in keeping them, is on the y to becoming a distinguished individual. We received the commandment of love so we archive a spiritual and physical satisfaction. We should follow the example set by Jesus. If our love is sincere, we will be willing to reach as much needy people as possible with our gifts.

Even when asked to stay, Jesus never reminded long in the same place. He answered that He had to visit other towns, and He sent His disciples in pairs where He could not go Himself. Ministry and any kind of work are not for earning money but for performing our call. It is never wise tow or only for pay checks. If you work to fulfil your valley, economic blessings will come to you anyway. The basic aim of work should ministering to people. Like Jesus, your desire to serve people rather than your salary has to be the or motive of your work every day. Your job is not just a job. It is a platform God gives you to enable you to change your world.

Jesus lost His life in doing this, but He gained the whole world as you freely offer yourself to the service of others, money will follow (Matt 6:33). When you seek to fulfil God's Kingdom purposes, all other things like money come automatically as a spiritual law.

Credit :
Money Doesn't make you rich, chp11 pg 191-193 by Sunday Adelaja.

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