
Monday, May 16, 2016


The first hint is to look into your inner self and examine your heart; therein is your gift and calling. Watch closely, because your calling is there within you. Genesis 1:12 affirms that everything that God created has seed within itself, as I've stated earlier in this book. Each plant and trees bear seed according to its own kind. Every animal created being brings forth seed according to its own kind. In other words, the abilities and talents that can make you great already lie with you. This seed often makes itself known early in your childhood.

My grandmother died before I accepted Christ. As a small boy, I used to bombard her with different questions, and she would tell me that when I grew up, I would probably be a lawyer because "they too like book to ask a lot of questions ". I learned that lawyers must be eloquent in their speech if they want people to listen to them. That was not for me, because I had a speech disorder. While in school, I learned that journalism also ask many questions. I decided to be a journalist, and today I hold a master degree in journalism. It was inside me all along! Even my grandma saw it, though she was illiterate.

A second hint is to think about the things you especially like, the kinds of activities that give you particular satisfaction. For many people, their job or occupation is actually not their true calling. More often than not, their hobbies could be their calling. Think about it. You may even discover you have several interest or talents. Expand your horizons. Try studying more about something in which you are interested. If you work hard to help develop the gift God has given you, you will be happy and fulfilled in life.

Each person has a devine seed inside that can make him or her great. This seed can never fail. Someday your talent could make you rich and famous. It. Old bring you before kings, presidents, prime ministers and other important people who will treat you as an equal. Once Christians know their calling in life ,they can succeed at whatever God calls them to do. "Do you see a man who excels in his work? He will stand before kings; he will not stand before unknown men"(Prov 22.29). The father will provide everything you need to carry out His divine purpose for your life. He can even put you on the same level as the most influential people, because the design or God's gift is to help you become great for His purpose here on Earth.

How can you archive greatness through your calling? How can you establish yourself in life? God's gift is the answer, and it is the most efficient solution to your challenges and circumstances, because with these gifts, we meet other people's needs. For example, a tailor makes garment to meet other people's needs. For example, a tailor makes garments to make someone's needs. If someone is a manager of a business, he serves the employee and the boss by making efficient decisions. Form teachers to preacher, no matter what our occupation, we serve people in some capacity. Service is a major secret of election, so use your gifts well in service to others and to Kingdom. It is while you to strive that money and wealth follow as you receive material blessings as your compensation.

Money won't make you Rich, chp11 pg 191 by Sunday Adelaja

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