
Tuesday, May 31, 2016


1. Make a list of all your best personal qualities
If you have positive self esteem, then this will probably be easy for you. Of you don't, it may be a struggle. Don't give up. If needed, spend days or weeks creating the list. Don't stop until you have written a hundred positive things about yourself.
If it took you a long time to create this list, then you need to spend time every day reading through it to remind yourself of your value. Remember, if you do not value yourself, you will have a very difficult time adding value to yourself.
Using this list as a springboard, decide on the one word that best describes you. Make this word your North Star as you begin adding value to yourself.

2. Few things impact a person's self esteem more than the way they talk to themselves on a day -to -day basis.
Are you aware of how talk to yourself? Keep track by using your smartphone or carrying an index card so you can tally the number of times each day this week that you think something positive or negative about yourself. In addition, you can ask close friends or family members to tell you whether they think you see yourself in a favourable or unfavourable light.

3. If you want to feel valuable, add value to others.
How much time every day and every week do you spend focusing on others and adding value to them? Do you serve others through a volunteer organisation? Do you mentor people? Do you give assistance to others less fortunate than yourself?
If you aren't doing so already, find a way to serve and add value to others on a weekly basis. Do something that utilises your strengths benefits others and makes you feel good about yourself. Start small. If you're already serving, then do more. It's a good rule of thumb to give a tenth of your time serving and adding value to others. So, for example, if you work forty house a week, devote four hours to serving others.

"Applying the Law of the Mirror to your life", pg 49, 15 The Invaluable Laws Of Growth by John C. Maxwell.

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