
Tuesday, May 31, 2016


1. Make a list of all your best personal qualities
If you have positive self esteem, then this will probably be easy for you. Of you don't, it may be a struggle. Don't give up. If needed, spend days or weeks creating the list. Don't stop until you have written a hundred positive things about yourself.
If it took you a long time to create this list, then you need to spend time every day reading through it to remind yourself of your value. Remember, if you do not value yourself, you will have a very difficult time adding value to yourself.
Using this list as a springboard, decide on the one word that best describes you. Make this word your North Star as you begin adding value to yourself.

2. Few things impact a person's self esteem more than the way they talk to themselves on a day -to -day basis.
Are you aware of how talk to yourself? Keep track by using your smartphone or carrying an index card so you can tally the number of times each day this week that you think something positive or negative about yourself. In addition, you can ask close friends or family members to tell you whether they think you see yourself in a favourable or unfavourable light.

3. If you want to feel valuable, add value to others.
How much time every day and every week do you spend focusing on others and adding value to them? Do you serve others through a volunteer organisation? Do you mentor people? Do you give assistance to others less fortunate than yourself?
If you aren't doing so already, find a way to serve and add value to others on a weekly basis. Do something that utilises your strengths benefits others and makes you feel good about yourself. Start small. If you're already serving, then do more. It's a good rule of thumb to give a tenth of your time serving and adding value to others. So, for example, if you work forty house a week, devote four hours to serving others.

"Applying the Law of the Mirror to your life", pg 49, 15 The Invaluable Laws Of Growth by John C. Maxwell.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

"Introduce Me"

It's very dark
With storms not a bit slack
Trying to rack
All my works to the ground
Yet I here
This still voice
Introduce me

I hold this device
In it lies power of rights
With a simple click
Choice to preserve or destroy is made
A wrong weapon for a confused man
I am the confused man
Yet I hear
A still calm voice
Introduce me

Opportunity comes but ones
I'm not a risk taker
But a need meet-er
What do I do?
Yet I hear
A still persistent voice
Introduce me

Here he comes
Alighting from a boat
And there they come too
Running to his feet
"Please do not torture us"
And he says again
Introduce me

This is the testimony
Of one filled with mammon
Saved by this voice
Introduce me

I'm weak
With no way out
With no cards to play
I finally introduce
Introduce me voice
To be my choice

Well, my only real card


Tuesday, May 24, 2016

"True Sight"

Are you scared?
Does uncertainty disturb you?
Are you confused?
Yesterday, today or tomorrow?
Do you ask why? / What?

So life is imbalance,
Physical manifestation insecure,
Fluctuations all around,
Human faith, courage like sea waves,
Imperfections, irregularities and their likes,

Imagine this image,
A perfect shape,
A true nature,
See the perfect end even at the beginning, See The Truth make your truth,

Is your proposed end sure?
Are the series of imagination complete?
Do you know what you are doing?
Are told get it right? Right now /fast?
Do you want to run? Away that is?

In light of The Truth,
The light of security,
It's seeing the end from the start?
Have faith in The Truth,
Trust in The Truth path.


Saturday, May 21, 2016

"We Gon' Reign"

You know my heart was broke...
When I heard about the 21 Coptic Christians
While at the same time I was encouraged

I pray we can learn from our persecuted brothers and sisters... across the globe

Lord, give us courage

[Verse 1: Flame]
Can't you see the persecution that's been happening around us?
Jesus told us it would happen. Don't be surprised, huh
With tears in our eyes, even though they surround us
That Kingdom of Heaven is ours! God, He will crown us!
Somalia and Libya might imprison and bomb us
We've been a victim of terrorism for telling Jesus is alive!
To the 21 Coptic Christians living down on that cold beach
Soon as their blood hit the sea, they were then present with God!

[Bridge: Flame]
If we suffer with Him, we gon' reign
To be absent from the body means I present with the King
To the persecuted Church around the globe, remember:
The gates of Hell won't prevail; can't stop Him, no. (CHURCH!!)

[Hook: Flame]
He gon', He gon' build His Church, He gon' build His Church
The gates of Hell won't prevail. Gon' build His Church
He gon' build His Church. He gon', He gon' build His Church. (What He say? What He say? What He say?)
The gates of Hell won't prevail. Gon' build His.....

[Verse 2: Flame]
The global reality of persecution, I pray it never breaks us
That it would never shake our faith and we would lay down our lives
Places like North Korea, Nigeria, Syria, where they make us
The objects of aggression putting pressure on all sides
Criminal mobs' really just fanatics try to intimidate us
Even government regulation ban and outlaw Christ
Where societal pressure, family and friends will forsake us
You can ask those Pakistani and Egyptian Christians they tyrannize



[Outro: Russell Moore]
No matter how we are suffering, no matter how we are persecuted, no matter how we are marginalized, our identity is not in whatever is happening to us right now. Our identity is seated at the Right Hand of God and He is feeling just fine


Cause He's promised us in the short-term as cross on our backs. And He's promised us in the long-term a Crown of Life. (A Crown of Life)


Friday, May 20, 2016

"No Better U"

i feel like hiding out
underneath my hoodie, some days
i just don’t feel pretty, some days
i admit that
i bet you didn’t know i get like that
everything’s not glitter, sometimes
they mess with my head
make me wish that i was
someone else instead, hey
but then, i finally tell myself, stop
you don’t need to be what you’re not
n*body to be better than you
so do what you do for God
sometimes we wish we were someone else, but
you’ve gotta take a look at yourself and
know that n*body else in the world can
be a better you
a better you
listen to me, please don’t give up trying
i’ve been there too i’ve been the one crying
no one can be me better and i can’t
be a better you
a better you
be a better you
a better you
be a better you
a better you
be a better you
a better you
i feel like giving up
every other day you know
i really gotta pray, you know
and try to kick that
but sometimes life hits right back
i don’t want to face the day sometimes
i really hate the rain sometimes
i try to keep dry
seems impossible
however hard i try
but then, i finally tell myself, stop
you know that you only need god
n*body to be better than you
so do what you do for god
sometimes we wish we were someone else, but
you’ve gotta take a look at yourself and
know that n*body else in the world can
be a better you
a better you
listen to me, please don’t give up trying
i’ve been there too i’ve been the one crying
no one can be me better and i can’t
be a better you
a better you
be a better you
a better you
be a better you
a better you
be a better you
a better you
god made you
just like you are
so live for him
don’t worry about anyone else
one two three
take a deep breath
pick up your head
you gotta know
sometimes we wish we were someone else, but
you’ve gotta take a look at yourself and
know that n*body else in the world can
be a better you
a better you
listen to me, please don’t give up trying
i’ve been there too i’ve been the one crying
no one can be me better and i can’t
be a better you
a better you
be a better you
a better you
be a better you
a better you
be a better you
a better you

Tuesday, May 17, 2016


What made Jesus of Nazareth the greatest person the world has ever known? Unlike the hypocrites of that time, Jesus was not ashamed to dale care that the main purpose of His coming into this world was to serve people. He said, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me, though he may die, he shall live" (John 14:6). He never said always Himself, "I am Jesus." When he spoke of himself, the Messiah always referred to the calling the father ordained for Him. Great men and women become by discovering other people's problems and providing answers to them.

Our problem as imperfect people lies in seeing too constrained. Our earthly expectations cause us to suppress our natural feelings. Often we should not reluctant to mention our true calling for fear of ridicule. We should not hesitate to reveal our true calling, however, because each of us represents the solution to someone's problem. The reason on the health related and legal professions are so popular is that they can address people's needs. Those who work in these areas usually receive handsome rewards because there offer solutions.

The surest way to become great is to serve other people. It is important to build a life on the principle of loving your neighbour. If you do this by serving other people, success and greatness will follow. Serving people means ministering to them. Your service are the products you offer other people. The more people you serve, the better you are known. If you serve ten people, only ten people will know about you. If you produce ten cars, only ten people will know about you and your car. However, if you want to serve motorists by building hundreds of thousands of new cars and improving their technical characteristics, hundred of thousands in the car -buying public will know you. This really is the difference between successful, but the one producing hundred of thousands is more than merely successful. That person is great because he or she influences and impacts more people. That is greatness. That is true success.

There are limitless ways in which you can attend to other people's needs and problems. By serving others without expecting anything in return, you will receive the love and respect of those you serve. In this way you will succeed, even if you work for free, yet your reward will be greater than physical salary you could get.

Do you want to offer your knowledge and experience in solving problems? First find out what people need. Is it repentance, christian growth, disciple ship, healing, or financial success? Once the Lord has revealed to you what people need, you will know what kind of service you can offer, perhaps in the form of a profession such as a pastor, teacher, dentist, or financial advisor.

A successful man or woman is constantly searching for people with whom they can share their own Wisdom, life experience and skills. Everything we need has already been entrusted into other hands. When you put your gift at the service of other people, or when other people put their gift at your service, blessings flow God and together we help fulfil the great commandment of love: "love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind, and your neighbour as yourself"(luke 10:27).

We often the think of commandment as something limiting our freedom to act. That is not so. God's commandments are a gift and blessing to us. They are designed to help the person who, in keeping them, is on the y to becoming a distinguished individual. We received the commandment of love so we archive a spiritual and physical satisfaction. We should follow the example set by Jesus. If our love is sincere, we will be willing to reach as much needy people as possible with our gifts.

Even when asked to stay, Jesus never reminded long in the same place. He answered that He had to visit other towns, and He sent His disciples in pairs where He could not go Himself. Ministry and any kind of work are not for earning money but for performing our call. It is never wise tow or only for pay checks. If you work to fulfil your valley, economic blessings will come to you anyway. The basic aim of work should ministering to people. Like Jesus, your desire to serve people rather than your salary has to be the or motive of your work every day. Your job is not just a job. It is a platform God gives you to enable you to change your world.

Jesus lost His life in doing this, but He gained the whole world as you freely offer yourself to the service of others, money will follow (Matt 6:33). When you seek to fulfil God's Kingdom purposes, all other things like money come automatically as a spiritual law.

Credit :
Money Doesn't make you rich, chp11 pg 191-193 by Sunday Adelaja.

Monday, May 16, 2016


The first hint is to look into your inner self and examine your heart; therein is your gift and calling. Watch closely, because your calling is there within you. Genesis 1:12 affirms that everything that God created has seed within itself, as I've stated earlier in this book. Each plant and trees bear seed according to its own kind. Every animal created being brings forth seed according to its own kind. In other words, the abilities and talents that can make you great already lie with you. This seed often makes itself known early in your childhood.

My grandmother died before I accepted Christ. As a small boy, I used to bombard her with different questions, and she would tell me that when I grew up, I would probably be a lawyer because "they too like book to ask a lot of questions ". I learned that lawyers must be eloquent in their speech if they want people to listen to them. That was not for me, because I had a speech disorder. While in school, I learned that journalism also ask many questions. I decided to be a journalist, and today I hold a master degree in journalism. It was inside me all along! Even my grandma saw it, though she was illiterate.

A second hint is to think about the things you especially like, the kinds of activities that give you particular satisfaction. For many people, their job or occupation is actually not their true calling. More often than not, their hobbies could be their calling. Think about it. You may even discover you have several interest or talents. Expand your horizons. Try studying more about something in which you are interested. If you work hard to help develop the gift God has given you, you will be happy and fulfilled in life.

Each person has a devine seed inside that can make him or her great. This seed can never fail. Someday your talent could make you rich and famous. It. Old bring you before kings, presidents, prime ministers and other important people who will treat you as an equal. Once Christians know their calling in life ,they can succeed at whatever God calls them to do. "Do you see a man who excels in his work? He will stand before kings; he will not stand before unknown men"(Prov 22.29). The father will provide everything you need to carry out His divine purpose for your life. He can even put you on the same level as the most influential people, because the design or God's gift is to help you become great for His purpose here on Earth.

How can you archive greatness through your calling? How can you establish yourself in life? God's gift is the answer, and it is the most efficient solution to your challenges and circumstances, because with these gifts, we meet other people's needs. For example, a tailor makes garment to meet other people's needs. For example, a tailor makes garments to make someone's needs. If someone is a manager of a business, he serves the employee and the boss by making efficient decisions. Form teachers to preacher, no matter what our occupation, we serve people in some capacity. Service is a major secret of election, so use your gifts well in service to others and to Kingdom. It is while you to strive that money and wealth follow as you receive material blessings as your compensation.

Money won't make you Rich, chp11 pg 191 by Sunday Adelaja

Saturday, May 14, 2016

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Friday, May 13, 2016

The Promise --- Zechariah 3:4

"And the angel said to those who were standing before him, “Remove the filthy garments from him.” And to him he said, “Behold, I have taken your iniquity away from you, and I will clothe you with pure vestments.""

"Prayin' For You"

Father God, I'm prayin' to you for somebody, who knows you Lord but just hasn't, hasn't been seein' you in the right view lately, Hear me out...

Father, I'm prayin' for a friend he and I are pretty close, and out of all my friends for this one I'm concerned the most. He say he readin' daily but he ain't really learnin'. He been in church but say that he ain't moved by any sermon. His face weak, he ain't prayed in a week, he wake up and just weep with his face in the sink Lord, you gotta help my man, I'm prayin' for him daily, he ain't sinned but it just seem as if he goin' crazy. He say he feelin' trapped, can't even head up the mall coz every lady's half-dressed temptin' him to lust and fall. He keep the TV off, videos just make him feel that he ain't really nothin' without money, girls and shiny wheels. The other day he told me that he felt less a man coz he ain't have a five-year plan or a piece of land and man it's crazy coz his family think so much of him, plus he got a godly wife who always showin' love for him but he's strugglin', even though he talk to me, I tell him what to do but he don't listen when he oughta' be. I'm scared for him coz there's people that look up to him, he got some younger siblings who been changed by what he's done for them but is it done for him, Lord don't let it be, if he don't wanna talk to you then Father hear from me, is it done for him, Lord don't let it be, if he don't wanna talk to you then Father hear from me...

Yeah, I'm prayin' for you, yeah, I'm prayin' for you
Yeah, I'm prayin' for you, yeah, yeah, I'm prayin' for you...

God, his condition is worsen since we were last conversed and I'm with him now and he ain't doin' well and this I'm certain. He say he tryna' trust you, doesn't wanna disgust you but he was in the mist of sinners and did not discuss you and just today his anxiety's got the best of him, he knows Christ but for hours refuse to rest in Him, he's not the best of men but Lord I know he really loves you and I can't understand why lately he's not thinkin' of you. People trust this dude, you could crush this dude, Father he needs more of you I pray you touch this dude, what can I say to him? I'm determined to pray for him Father empty and brake him I pray you'll just have your way with him, coz there's a change in him and the effects are strong, I pray you open up his heart before the next song and when he gets home, I pray he'll open up the sixty-six book love letter you wrote and soak it up coz he ain't hearin' You and he ain't feelin' me and God I know it's killin' You because it's killin' me and matter of fact there's somethin' else he's concealin' see, the person that I've been prayin' about is really me...

Yeah, I'm prayin' for you, yeah, I'm prayin' for you
Yeah, I'm prayin' for you, yeah, yeah, I'm prayin' for you...

Wednesday, May 11, 2016


Hook (Mali Music):
Now I'mma tell the world, tell em
I'mma tell it everywhere I go
Tell the world, tell em
Yea I'mma billboard
Tell the world, tell em
Broadcast Him like a radio
Tell the world you are to know
I'm brand new

(Verse 1)
Uh, I know one thing's true
I don't even really deserve to know you
but I.. I'm a witness that you did this
and I'm brand new so I.. I'm ready to go
and I'mma tell the world what they need to know
a slave to myself but you let me go
I tried gettin high but it left me low
You did, what they could never do
You cleaned up my soul and gave me life, I'm so brand new
and that's all that matters
I aint love you first, but you first loved me
in my heart I cursed ya, but you set me free
I gave you no reason to give me new seasons, to give me new life, new
but you hung there bleedin
and you died for my lies, and my cheatin, my lust, and my greedin
What is a man, huh? that you're mindful of em?
and what do I have to deserve this love?

Tryna make the moments last
Holdin on to the past
but like a hero in a dream
Christ came and He rescued me!
Now I'mma tell the world, tell the world, tell em
I'mma tell it everywhere I go
Tell the world, tell em
Yea I'mma billboard
Tell the world, tell em
Broadcast Him like a radio
Tell the world you are to know
I'm brand new

(Verse 2)
I can't offer you nothin, but your care and kindness keep comin
and your love is so unconditional, I get butterflies in my stomach
I got the old me in the rearview, gotta new me, gotta clear view
I was so dead, I couldn't hear you
too deep in sin to come near you
but you drew me in, and cleaned me up
and take me home and beamed me up
before you do, just let me tell the truth
and let these folks know that I done seeing your love
and it's everlastin, infinite
it goes on and on, you can't measure it
can't quench your love, they can't separate us from the love of God
it's no estimate
my face look the same, my frame done rearranged
but I changed, I promise I aint the same
your love is so deep, you suffered and took pain
and died on the cross to gimme a new name
aint nothin like I seen before
I gotta beam to glow
was low, down, and dirty but you cleaned me Lord
you adopted me, you keep rockin me
Imma tell the world and aint nobody stoppin me

Tryna make the moments last
Holdin on to the past
but like a hero in a dream
Christ came and He rescued me!
Now I'mma tell the world, tell the world, tell em
I'mma tell it everywhere I go
Tell the world, tell em
Yea I'mma billboard
Tell the world, tell em
Broadcast Him like a radio
Tell the world you are to know
I'm brand new
(Verse 3; 2 Corinthians 5:17)
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ,
he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.
Yea, I'm brand new

Now I'mma tell the world, tell the world, tell em
I'mma tell it everywhere I go
Tell the world, tell em
Yea I'mma billboard
Tell the world, tell em
Broadcast Him like a radio
Tell the world you are to know
I'm brand new

Lecrae - Tell The World Lyrics | MetroLyrics 

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

"Flame - Tonight (All Of Me)"

[Chorus: J.R.]
Oh, I just wanna be, I just wanna be
Closer to Your heart, You will find me there
Everything I am, it's because of You
It's because of You, and now, we sing
Tonight, I'm giving You all of me
Tonight, I let go of everything
Tonight, I'm giving You all of me
Tonight, tonight, tonight
I give You all of me

[Verse 1: Flame]
Let's pray
Dear Father in the name, of Your holy Son
I desire like Jesus, prayed for us to be one
I desire to give, I desire to serve
I desire to love, others with more than my words
Bless me to be humble, bless me to be meek
I want to be a joy, when people come around me
Give me a gentle spirit, bless me to be content
Please keep me from my sin, let me quickly repent
Please give me discipline, give me self-control
To know when to stop, and when to say no
Make me a bold witness, please remove fear
Replace it with faith, pour out Your spirit here
Fill me up Lord, let me overflow
Let me overdose, make me holy, keep me close
I want to give it all, until there's none left
But I can't be too given, look at Your Son's death

[Chorus: J.R.]
Oh, I just wanna be, I just wanna be
Closer to Your heart, You will find me there
Everything I am, it's because of You
It's because of You, and now, we sing
Tonight, I'm giving You all of me
Tonight, I let go of everything
Tonight, I'm giving You all of me
Tonight, tonight, tonight
I give You all of me

[Verse 2: Flame]
I can see You talking to high priest, Peter just denied You
For the second time, one more time he will deny You
One of the officers smacked You in the face,
But he didn't understand that You were actually grace
But the people would rather see the release of a thief,
Than to know forgiveness and be with the Prince of Peace
And as they screamed for Pilate to crucify You,
I hear my own voice because every day I deny You
But yet You still bore the cross on Your vertebrae, walking to Golgotha
What a display of grace
I see Your weakened body beaten, can't keep me from crying
Your cross was very heavy, they gave it to Simon
Then You were crucified, they divided Your clothes
Like the Scriptures prophesied, You died and You rose
Two thousand years ago, slaughtered on the tree
You gave all of You, I'm giving all of me

[Chorus: J.R.]
Oh, I just wanna be, I just wanna be
Closer to Your heart, You will find me there
Everything I am, it's because of You
It's because of You, and now, we sing
Tonight, I'm giving You all of me
Tonight, I let go of everything
Tonight, I'm giving You all of me
Tonight, tonight, tonight
I give You all of me

[Bridge: Flame]
This I pray Lord, to be like Abraham
Ready to give it all, my only son as the lamb
Ready to sacrifice, everything if You ask
Because nothing is mine, not this life that I have
Everything I own, oh Lord is a gift
So who am I, to hold it with a firm grip
I give You my talent, I give You my time
I give You my eyes, I give You my mind

[Chorus: J.R.]
Oh, I just wanna be, I just wanna be
Closer to Your heart, You will find me there
Everything I am, it's because of You
It's because of You, and now, we sing
Tonight, I'm giving You all of me
Tonight, I let go of everything
Tonight, I'm giving You all of me
Tonight, tonight, tonight
I give You all of me


Monday, May 9, 2016

"Dum Dum"

Tedashii - Dum Dum - feat. Lecrae

"I'm Good" (feat. Lecrae)

[Verse 1:]
I hear the trouble's coming for me, death is at my door way
Fear says I'm a perish bro, but that ain't what my Lord say
He said I ain't guilty though I still ain't had my court date
I've tasted and I've seen Him, even though it's just a foretaste
I don't know what they feeling, I don't know they thinking
Bro my soul's invincible like Mario when he blinking
They see me full of joy, like "I don't what He drinking"
Cup is full of living water bro, I sip it and thank Him, yessir
I might not win a grammy, or get another stellar
But I'll get rewards from my Lord, it ain't nothing better
I might not chart again, I may not sell a milli
But I been purchased by my King, He's forever with me
So what they talking bout? No they can't knock me down
Yessir I do feel pain, but Jesus got me now
That's why I'm making noise, that's why I'm running hard
That's why I go gorilla, spitting them monkey bars

Partner you know I'm good to go
Pressure creates diamonds and fire refines the gold
There's nothing on this planet that's satisfying my soul
I'm living for tomorrow, today is out of control, fa sho, I'm Good
Take all my money, I'm good
Here comes the pain, I'm good
Yeah they can kill me, I'm good
To die is gain, I'm good
I ain't saying that we don't feel any pain
I'm just saying you can't take us out the game, cause homie we good

[Verse 2: Lecrae]
I done been through the fire, I survived all the floods
And them writers is with me, they all covered in blood
Drag my name through the mud, they can hate they can gossip
But my passion for Jesus, they ain't never gon' stop it
I was dead, I guess that made me better than I ever was
Look at me! I'm good partna I'm on my forever buzz
If everything I have is taken I can take it
They say I'd never make it, I know the person who made it
My life is hidden in Him, so when I die I gain
And Jesus really be walkin with me so how I'm lame?
My life full of pain, problems, and such
But I'm focused on forever and eternity's touch
While the world try to fight me, Pharisee's try to stone me
I am Tebow in the fourth quarter, they can't hold me
Yeah the lord is my coach, got me off in the zone
Tell my momma that I'm good when HE carry me home

[Verse 3:]
I know that I'm a suffer, that'll only make me tougher
Death is just a doorway to take me to my faithful lover
The Lover of my soul's with me, you can shake the brother
But you'll never knock me down or take me under, bring the thunder
Let the storms come to hunt us and hurt us
They can't take our Lord from us bro He got us a verdict
Not guilty, He's with us and He stays present
Never leaves me He even gives me stage presence

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