
Saturday, March 15, 2014

CHAPTER THREE: Knowing the truth (The past)

Long ago, men gain its electrical power from Fede. Combustions and Nuclear power was useless because Fede was a clean, renewable and stress less. All needed then was to plug in to Fede. But as time went by some aliens came.
In desperate search of power and dominion, they brutally fought mankind. For years they couldn't overcome until a sudden night. The aliens noticing they couldn’t defeat man with Fede still on, they decided to trick man to an agreement.  "To leave peacefully as one, to defeat death and gain knowledge of the galaxy"
Without deep thought men accepted with a simple mind. But as time went by the alien won men’s heart with cheap tricks and finally the location of Fede was disclosed. That night Fede was lost and man didn't bother look for it. They thought the knowledge of the galaxy was a good substitute.
Ghost H: The diary with you was all left and men couldn’t utilize it. It is on to you, Bami can you make a difference.
The Nautical terreno will soon be upon us I know we will need Fede on back.
Bami: Ghost H. Help me please.
Ghost H: "To win don't just play it, flow with it"
Ghost H disappeared. Now I felt alone since my world was alone without Fede.
We found Fede in an odd ground long ago. It was deep beneath grace water. Grace water is the purest water known to us at south land. Fede was found hidden in a cave deep beneath the waters. All we did was explore, no one knew it past or bothered to know. Our illiteracy caused us our greatest mistake before The Ark arrived. Many died as the ship, veil 750 sank, saying they would rather drown than die of hunger.
After veil 750 was completed, we prepared for sail but we couldn't get Fede in. It produces a power surge that shuts down the veil power down. Well, all we knew was it could be used to communicate with people of very far distance like across galaxy distances not that it could power up engines. We sailed on without it but before we did we got the map to Paradiso terreno, which is far north.
Next Chapter:

CHAPTER FOUR: Awaiting Impact


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