
Saturday, March 22, 2014

CHAPTER FOUR: Awaiting Impact

Ayo: What do we do now guys?
Peace: I'm cold
Oba: I hope Fede comes back.
Bami: Guys, I wish.....
Lost in my thought I look up to the sky, hoping miraculously something would change our fate. My friends still shock after explaining all I knew to them. They kept on asking me how to bring back Fede.
Peace: I can remember a bright light exploding into the air at the mountain.
Ayo: Could it be that Fede died as it produced that last power surge that quenched our engine the third time?


"Hear oh Israel for the lord your God is one" Deuteronomy 6:4

For love is the foundation,
Of our God's throne it is,
We are in existence because of him,
With love he created us first,
He saved us again,
Why? Love,
He said,
"I and the father are one"
"You shall be one in me, as I am one in the father"

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