
Tuesday, April 26, 2016


No doubt, a lot of christians are in the same position that I myself used to be in, having grown up in an African village with no financial education whatsoever. Best case of my background, I didn't have an opportunity to learn these principles that I am sharing with you today. Even after my salvation, the Christian and religious books I was reading did not help either. In most cases, some of those writings actually discouraged me from learning more about the laws of money. Ultimately, the impression I was left with is that you should only read the Bible and books by Christian authors if you are a good christian!
For this reason, millions of people, like I used to be, are locked up in the church prison of financial ignorance while praying for financial breakthrough.
Today, I hope that, like me, you are now convinced that financial prosperity will not come to an empty head-its comes to developed mind. Furthermore, to possess the kind of wealth the powerful and wealthy people of this world have, we need to know the principles that they know.
I therefore r encourage you to invest in your mind by reading the best books on the market about wealth creation, but balance it with the principles of the Bible, and you will never go wrong. Through the principles of the Bibles,I have come to realise that it is easy to become a millionaire. Although, having said that, I have, through my own experience and the experience of hundred of millionaires in our church, come to the conclusion that as important as money is in our lives;
1. Money will not make you rich
2. You must make sure you are reach before gaining money
3. And one of those are of wealth is being ring in the mind.

Practical Wisdom For Aspiring Millionaires

1. Develop an investment mentality.
2. Never invest in what you do not understand.
3. Investing is the best way to create knowledge.
4. Investments demands knowledge.
5. Without the knowledge of money and investments, bankruptcy is inevitable.
6. Get knowledge before acquiring your money.
7. Remember, "The plans of the diligent leads to profit as surely as haste leads to proverty" (Prov. 21:5)
8. Remember that we don't really own anything in life. All things belong to God.
9. Don't neglect your spouse. Always consider his or her advice.
10. Always give God the glory.

Kingdom Principles From Chapter 7
1. Never invest in liabilities, but only in assets.
2. A financial mentor is a major key to financial freedom.
3. The person who knows how will always control those e you who know about what.
4. The person who only knows what to do with money is at the mercy of those who know how to make it and how to manage it.
5. It is an indictment to see so called prosperity teaches begging for money over the television or in their mailings.
6. The best stewardship is to raise up others to be as successful as you are.
7. The life of an ignorant person is hard, especially in the area or sphere of their ignorance. This is especially true of the financial ignorant.
8. Doing away with financial ignorance is the last of local churches.
9. Money is only a result and compensation for our labour.
10. When your income grows and your knowledge stays the same, the amount of money slowly decreases.

Credit :
Money won't make you Rich, chp 7 pg 116 -119 by Sunday Adelaja. 

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