
Sunday, September 14, 2014

The Call for Honour

It’s a thing of great excitement when a person is honoured. It brings social respect to the person and his family at large. Honour is what everyone should have; the question is how is honour received?
Looking into our immediate society, people who are honoured are those who have done a thing or two to help a different party (ranging from an individual to a large society even a country). Such acts are sacrificial, not a must but he/she has decided take it upon himself/herself to perform such task, example were acts by mother Teresa and the likes. We all desire to be honoured, having our name imprinted with Gold.
The switch of honour is turned on by discovery. The discovery of a problem and finding a solution to it, next to these is the risk of success or failure. Anyone who identifies a problem and seeks its solution will be honoured, irrespective of his willingness to be honoured.
There was a man named Joseph. He was a slave sold to a distance land, a land where he knew no one. Weak and helpless he was, but he never stopped to discover what the needs around him to be met. Even as a slave he was diligent and he grew in rank till he was at the top.
Eventually his sense of discovery was soon widely recognized. He discovered a way to store 7 years harvest (Imagine a person like that in a developing country like Nigeria). This was very helpful, for it saved an entire country and his neighbouring countries. And for these he was honoured, 70days mourning of a country for his father dead (a slave father dead). Honour is pleasurable but the secret most be learned.
How do we learn to discover and uncover the way-out? The secret is Meditation, meditation that lead to closure to divine power. There is a world beyond this one and when we meditate we connect to him or some might say a power we tap into when we meditate.
Meditation is the emptying or concentration of one’s minds either for spiritual purpose, relaxation etc. This enhances our natural intellect and makes it easy for us to discover the root of problems and their solution. Our purpose of existence is for a purpose and it has to be discovered. No one is made a slave without honour but our failure to meditate is the problem.
Now we have Jesus a helper at all time, come strength or weakness. Meditating on Jesus is the key to true discovery. He helps not just for discovery but gives an assurance which is in success, eternal life and glory, with peace, joy all in abundance.
Every soul is incomplete without discovery of one’s purpose; It a form of emptiness, a void. But even after discovering ones purpose, there must be an assurance that there is a reward or at least a personal desire satisfaction. Jesus knows all and he is for us all. Cling to him and he will fill your emptiness and met your needs also.
He created us and he wants nothing in return. Believe Jesus and meditate on his goodness you will see and see clearly. And he will honour himself in you. For as God glorified himself in Jesus; Jesus will glorify himself you and I. All glory and honour belongs to God and he gives it freely.
Call honour today
Call glory
Call Jesus
Thanks for reading.

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