
Monday, September 22, 2014

Interpreting Dream God's Business

The five letter word "dream" has two meaning.  Its means “sequence of mental images during sleep”, also it means “something hoped for”. Despite its dual meaning it has a common factor; it deals with our hearth/mind. Our imaginations forms what we hope for and our mental images during sleep is usually a result of what our sub-conscious mind is dealing with.
Do you know both our dreams and goals have meaning? It not just always the way it seems, they have consequences, either we do them or otherwise. They both affect us not just our life but they shape the whole world too. Imagine if men like Albert Estienne, Albert Lincoln etc. Had neglected their dreams I don't know how long it would have took before the improvement they caused would have happened; or do you know?
This should prompt us to then know and understand that our dream matters. Your night meres, your unbelievable thoughts matters; yes both yours and mine, That’s why we must be able to know what they are, what they say and what they will be. In short we must be able to interpret them.
A man once had a dream (sequence of mental images during sleep) he didn’t know what it was, (good/bad) neither the meaning nor what will come of it, but he tasked to know about it. Due to his adventure to know more about his dream and thereby he met a boy. The boy heard of this dream, and it caused him to have his own dream (something hoped for), a way to store up excess from the farm for years.  Many years after, meteor rain down on earth thereby causing the land to lose it fertility, and the whole world turned to this boy for food; finally his dream came to pass.
The man eventually went to the boy and asked him how he knew this was going to happen, and he replied "Interpreting dream is God business". He told his story to the man; starting from his fore-fathers till present time. And it was clear that there are supreme beings and there is a much more supreme being too. This being speaks to us and his word as light and truth. He said this being is God and not among the gods. i.e. No one is like him. He explained how God thought him to store food. And so the land ate only from the boy had stored, a dream/goal he had fulfilled.
This has helped to know that if you and I know how to mix colour perfectly doesn't mean we become tailors; I might become a tailor and you a painter or even a logo designer. Because you are good with words doesn't mean must be a song writer, you can be a novel author. Our gift doesn't decide who we become but God decides because he knows best.
The man in my story was a king and the boy was a servant to a king official. That’s why he could build a food store big enough to save the whole world. Image what it would be like if the boy was the slave of an ordinary man in the city and the king just a man with a small family, what would have happened to the people. God knows best my dear reader.
Do you consider your night mere? Do you consider your goals? Or are they Childish in think e.g. How can man travel through air like birds? Or just not possible e.g. How can a none politician change the world, like stopping the killing of twins?
God will help turn dreams to reality, trust him, talk to him and be obedient to faith i.e. Believe in believing
With God all things are possible
Interpreting dreams is God business
Microsoft Dictionary; Microsoft® Encarta® 2009. © 1993-2008 Microsoft Corporation.
Mar 9:23 Amp Bible.
Gen 41:16 CEV (Contemporary English Version) Bible

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