
Friday, February 21, 2014


A hungry hunter in a famine land has no other option than to pick up his gun despite his faint strength and go hunting till he kills an animal. Likewise is it a must you must search for the truth adopting knowledge as your weapon.
Truth has hid itself when the land is infertile. It has placed a heavy burden on the people of land. It claims that when the land was rich, he was disputed; at least that’s what we thought. Now the land is poor only the whole hearted finder can seek it. A hungry hunter who knows nothing will feed him must be able to pick his gun and make the promise to die trying till he finds truth, his food.
We live in a world where revolution is the cause of every action. But let’s view it this way, if when we evolve and by the way lose our foundational matter, do you agree that whatever we've evolve to will disappear?
Exactly, the search for the truth means we should all go back to the beginning. Though we cannot time travel but with available notes we can equally get to know about the past we've left behind.
Today, our culture, religion, association, political foundational goals has been forgotten. This has placed us on the road that takes its occupant life away. Revolution of decisions is a must but when it falls out of it foundational goal its ruins will soon be seen.
The weapon of revival is knowledge. The scripture makes an important claim, Hos 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. This is very important, because when we know where we started, what made us to start and how we started we can for sure know if the platter of gold we are on is really gold or a glittering weak metal.
Joh 8:32 and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. I like this part of the scripture because it helps gives a better understanding that knowledge isn't all. But discovering the truth is the key. Truth in the knowledge found is what gives freedom. Are the equipped hunters with knowledge or the hunter with no weapon to kill? The hungry hunter knows he can do little but the gun on his hand is the major cause of his success, if he succeeds. We must not stop at gaining knowledge, but press on till we find the truth, the animal that will fill our stomach.
You know only one mountain is unshakable and that is the rock of ages. The rock of ages is old and well firm. Many fake rocks today are deep but not firm. The difficulty to find the truth has leaded me to this brilliant idea.
Mat 21:44 and whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken: but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder.
Since that the case lets test each rock, knowledge, by thoroughly hitting against one another and you will find the blasphemer.
This is my verdict that the truth isn’t hidden, anyone who seeks it shall find it. Search for the truth, Know the truth, and you will be set free (John 8:32), saved.
Thanks for reading.

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