
Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Journey Trusting

I feel this need to control,
A great thirst no to lose the drivers sit,
I don't seek to control others,
So I don't feel wrong,
Or could I just be wrong?

He is privileged,
He is gifted,
That's why he can,
I have nothing so don't expect much,
Or could it be something else?

There is this cloak,
It limit ones vision,
They call it sun shade,
It promises a shade,
But I don't feel the comfort still, why?

I am here,
I am you,
Don't shy away,
Don't give up for less,
I can grow you,

Journey Trusting,
Give me the wheel,
Let me fuel your ability,
I will give you boldness,
Take me, FAITH.

"He that believes in Me (who cleaves to and trust in and relies on Me), as the scripture hath said, from his innermost being shall flow (continually) springs and rivers of living water." John 7:37

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