
Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Undoubted Hustle Pays

When  your hustle seems rumbled

And your labour,  below cool

Let not your heart be troubled

For someday the street wiLl launch you

Your sun scourged head is  never forgotten

Your dirt-filled legs will drive nice cars someday

Provided from your hustle you remain faithful

The trying times when sorrows betide

When customers on your faces they spat

But for profit's sake softly you react

All these troubles will soon be past

Cos its always darkest before the Dawn

Your hustle someday will pay

And your loved ones with you celebrate

The breadseller turned model did the same

And her success withstood the wave

She succeded cos she never relented

Opportunity came once,

And she grabbed it by the horn

So also will come your turn

Never let it slip off

Cos someday your success story will tour.....


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