
Wednesday, January 27, 2016

"O YEE....."

A Lot of people are waiting for you, 
Waiting for your manifestation,
Waiting for that unique thing that you are gonna do,
And will change there lives,
After changing yours positively,
They are earnestly waiting for your manifestation.                                              

We do  say these things to ourselves,
" I don't have anything to give",
"the little talent I have millions of people [ even more than me... we do say ] have it ".
We do feel inferior to the people out there changing lives,
But I want you to put a smile on your face,
As I tell you this
"The guy given one talent in the parable shared by Jesus Christ
Was not on anyway inferior to the guy given 5 talents to work with".

I  want you to know that you helping out,
That your friend with a word of advice or #20,
(though it seems small)
Is equivalent to helping the whole world, Cos we are all connected as one,
So why not start something out of what you feel is nothing,
And create a platform in which another person can build upon,
So am putting it to you..

O yee writers
write something that matters

O yee. Singers
Sing songs that change lives

O yee  speakers
Speak the word of truth

O yee builders
Build something that stands

O yee artists
change the world positively with your piece of art

O yee painters
paint the face of the world with beautiful colours

O yee jesters
Put smile on people's face

O yee leaders
Lead the people right

O yee Awoites
Do " ARO That make sence"


Connect to the author on Facebook - abaogun.w.oluwapelumi

Monday, January 25, 2016


Now is the hour

To climb the success tower

To embark on the life positive tour

Renouncing all clogged actions

Forsaken all unfaithful reactions

Now is the hour

Who told you tomorrow will be fine

Who gave you the sign

Who promised you an additional time

Now is the hour

The uncertainty of tomorrow is very high

Your clock will soon breathe its last

And you alone left to defend your past

Now is the hour

To plung your net to the deepest of the sea

To impact the lost life in your vicinity,

And provide them a peaceful home in eternity.

#now is the hour


Connect with Israel on Facebook - Israel Kuti
Thanks for reading. Comment, share and be inspired

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TECH WOMEN-GO-ENTREPRENEURIAL Fund 2016 for Nigerian Female Techies ($15,000 In Business Grants)

Application Deadline: February 14TH 2016

When: March 30th – 14th August  2016
Where: Lagos, Nigeria

TECH WOMEN-GO-ENTREPRENEURIAL 2016 is a US Consulate funded project aimed at training and developing women who are technologically inclined to solve societal issues through developing technological solutions. This edition is strictly for the Nigerian female.

Eligibility Requirements:

Nigerian Females between the ages of 16 and 45 years of age.
Must have a business idea delivered through technology
Must be highly knowledgeable and interested in technology
Must be Tech Savvy
Ability to code and develop software is an added advantage

Tech Women seeks innovative solutions in the following areas:


Daniel Oparison – Paga
Asia Sowho – Etisalat Nigeria
Nneka Okekearu – Enterprise Development Centre
Kingsley Eze – Tenece
Bayo Rotimi – Quest Advisory
Ebi Atawodi – Uber Nigeria
Valentine Obi – Etranzact

Stage 1 :Training

A 2 day Entrepreneurial Training for screened contestants

Stage 2 : Idea Submission

200 selected contestants will submit their innovative ideas
Stage 3 :The Bootcamp

40 women with the best ideas will be paired into 20 Teams.

Stage 4 : The Pitch | Award

Only 10 teams will make it to the award ceremony, where they will be given the opportunity to pitch to the Tech Women Academy Panelists, the Jury and the Audience

Application Closes : FEB 14TH 2016
Entrepreneurial Training Holds : MARCH 30th -31st MARCH 2016
IDEA Submission Starts : 1ST APRIL
IDEA Submission Ends : 30TH MAY
Individuals Paired Into Teams : MAY 2016
Announcement Of Successful Contestants For The Boot Camp: JUNE 2016
Boot Camp Starts: 1ST AUG 2016
Boot Camp Ends: 14TH AUG 2016

For More Information:

Visit the Official Webpage of the TECHWOMEN Go-Entrepreneurial (TWGE) Fund



To the person who cares to pick this call :

We all do always feel like there's a gap to fill
A space to be occupied
A loop hole to be blocked
A crack to be ammended
A fallen wall to be rebuilt
A formless clay to be shaped
Problems to be solved
Dead hopes to be revived
Dead men walking to bring back to life and
A dark - enveloped society to shine light upon

Yes these are all true without an iota of false,
But it is equally true even very true that
We can not achieve all these without willing workers,
Without you, without me,
Without individuals who are ready to pickup the call
And respond back to that sounding voice from the ear piece of their phone saying
"Hello",Yes we need workers.
We need workers who are ready to turn themselves into sand and fill the gaps.
We need workers who are ready to turn themselves in matter [tangible ones ]
And occupy the void spaces that matters
Yes we need workers who are ready
To become mortals needed to amend the passage-way of lizards into the house
We need workers who are ready
To become bricks to rebuild the fallen walls

We need workers who are ready to  release themselves
And become a Porter spin
To be used to change the formless clay into marvelous piece of art
People who are ready
To become the instruments to the solutions of problems
Changing lives, reviving dead hopes,
Raising the "dead men walking" back to life(just like Ezekiel )
And as an instrument of light to the society.

A selfless worker is needed
Who can feel the plight of his neighbor
And always want to help with the little he has in the right way,
A guy/ lady just like you and me who can go on his or her kneels and supplement  for others,
Who knows that his not worthy but ready to be
Workers are needed in the political arena,
Entertainment industry, education ministry,
Speakers of the truth and other faculties of life.

SO THE PHONE is waiting for you and
I who are ready to pickup the supernatural call
A call from heaven, to respond to that "HELLO"
And say "Hi".
Conversation. Begins"


Connect to the author on Facebook - abaogun.w.oluwapelumi

Thought & Purpose

Until thought is linked with the purpose there is no intelligence accomplishment. With the majority the baroque of thought is allowed to "drift" upon the ocean of life. Aimlessness is a vice, and such drifting must not continue for him who would steer clear of catastrophe arid destruction.

They who have no central purpose in their life fall an easy prey to petty worries, fear, troubles, and self - pitying, all of which are indication of weakness, which lead, just as surely as deliberately planned sins (through by a different route), to failure, unhappiness, and loss, for weakness cannot persist in a power - evolving universe.

A man should conceive of a legitimate purpose in his heart, and set out to accomplish it. He should make this purpose the centralizing point of his thoughts. It may take the form of a spiritual ideal, or it may be a worldly object, according to his nature at the time being; but whichever it is, he should steadily focus his thought -force upon the object which he has set before him. He should make this purpose his supreme duty and should devote himself to its attainment, not allowing his thoughts to wander away into ephemeral fancies, longings and imagining. This is the royal road to self control and true concentration of thought. Even if he fails again and again to accomplish his purpose (as he necessarily must until weakness is overcome), the strength of character gained will be the measure of his true success, and this will form a new starting point for future power and triumph.

Those who are not prepared for the apprehension of a great purpose should fix the thought upon the faultless performance of their duty, no matter how insignificant their task may appear. Only in this way can the thoughts be gathered and focused, and resolution and energy be developed, which being done, there is nothing which may not be accomplished.

The weakest soul, knowing it's own weakness, and believing this truth - that strength can only be developed be the effort and practice - will, thus believing, at once begin to exert itself, and, adding effort to effort, patience to patience, and strength to strength, will never cease to develop, and will at last grow divinely strong.

As the physical weak man can make himself strong by careful and patient training, so the man of weak thoughts can make them strong by exercising himself in right thinking.

To put away aimlessness and weakness, and to begin to think with purpose, is to enter the ranks of those strong ones who only recognize failure as one of the pathways to attainment ; who make all conditions serve them, and who think strongly, attempt fearlessly and accomplish masterfully.

Having conceived of his purpose, a man should mark out a straight pathway to its achievement, looking neither to the right nor the left. Doubts and fear should be rigorously excluded; they are disintegrating elements which break up the straight line of effort, rendering it crooked, ineffectual, useless. Thoughts of doubt and fear never accomplish anything, and never can. They always lead to failure. Purpose, energy, power to do, and all strong thoughts cease when doubt and fear creep in.

The will to do springs from the knowledge that we can do. Doubt and fear are the great enemies f knowledge, and he who encourages them, who does not slay them, thwarts at every step.

He who has conquered doubt and fear has conquered failure. His every thought is allied with power, and all difficulties are bravely met and wisely overcome. His purpose are seasonally planted, and the bloom and bring forth fruit that does not fall prematurely to the ground.

Thought allied fearlessly to purpose becomes creative force: he who knows this ready to become something higher and stronger than a more bundle of wavering thoughts and fluctuating sensations; he who does this has become the conscious and intelligent wielder of his mental power.

Reference :
James Allen (1903) As a Man Thinketh Pg 21-23.

Sunday, January 24, 2016


(feat. Da' T.R.U.T.H. & J.R.)

[Verse 1: Lecrae]
Hair, check!
Shoes, check!
A brand new fit, lookin' cool, check!
I'm lookin' in the mirror like oooh, yes!
To cover for an insecure dude, check!
But she won't feel me and they won't like me
If I ain't in them J's or them brand new nikes
Let's dig deeper inside my psyche
When it's all said and done even I don't like me
He live in the gym and his hair stay faded
Late model car so they think he made it
He's Christian, he gave his life
But he still ain't satisfied in the savior Christ
Still finds his identity in looks and cars
If he only knew that he ain't have to look so hard
If he looked in God
It may seem odd
But he be so satisfied, he can leave it all

I'm not the shoes I wear
I'm not the clothes I buy
I'm not the house I live in
I'm not the car I drive, no
I'm not the job I work
You can't define my worth
By nothing on God's green earth
My identity is found in Christ, is found in Christ

[Verse 2: LeCrae]
Got her hair done, toes, nails
Is that Her, well it's hard to tell
Cause she's so caked up in all that make up
It's like she tryna make up for what she ain't but,
She's a saint, but so confused
Cause she's been rejected by all these dudes
That tell her on a scale of 10 she's a two
But that ain't true
If she only knew
In Christ she is loved, she secure and accepted
Never be rejected by God whose elected her
Her beauty is her Godliness
And she ain't gotta flaunt it cause it's obvious
Identity is found in the God we trust
And any other identity will self destruct
Identity is found in the God we trust
And any other identity will self destruct

I'm not the shoes I wear
I'm not the clothes I buy
I'm not the house I live in
I'm not the car I drive, no
I'm not the job I work
You can't define my worth
By nothing on God's green earth
My identity is found in Christ, is found in Christ

[Verse 3: Da' T.R.U.T.H]
Hey, how do I gain success
Why do I say I'm blessed, huh
Is it the car that I drive
Or the place that I rest
Or the way that I dress, now, now
Is the cause of my pride
The stage and the set
Or my face in the press, now, now
It's the applause that dies
When the praise is less
If my face is depressed, then, then
It's cause my value and worth is in the volume of the
work I produce in the booth
It's a prize and a curse if defined by the perks when the
truth is through
Man I won't feel like I don't want to live no more, no
more, no more
Cause they don't like me, like they did in 04, 04, 04
So I swallow my pride empowered by God, I'm complete
in Him
He's got peace God's priest, I'm in
In His presence weak is strength
Meet His kin
We His brethren
Read this list
Me forgiven
He's dismissed guilt and my sin
And then I find my worth cause I'm Jesus' friend

I'm not the shoes I wear
I'm not the clothes I buy
I'm not the house I live in
I'm not the car I drive, no
I'm not the job I work
You can't define my worth
By nothing on God's green earth
My identity is found in Christ, is found in Christ

Credit : azlyric

Photo Credit:

Sunday, January 17, 2016

After all, Understand

So much pain,
So much loss,
So much more,

Do you believe?
In me I ask?
Do you trust me?

Tears aren't running,
Heart is more than broken,
This loss I can't explain,

Do you understand?
I am not bad,
Neither are you,

After all its just a path,
Yours you know,
Mine unknown yet I follow.

Photo Credit:

Thursday, January 14, 2016


Joshua Pearce (@joshuapearce), Gabe McCoy (@gcoyboy) and Nat Pierce (@nrpierce) are the founders of Briefcase provides Legal Essentials for Entrepreneurs. At its core, is a service with three primary goals: Provide direct access to business attorneys for guidance, offer high quality documents, and all for a flat fee at the lowest possible price. -
Joshua, Gabe and Nat recognized too many entrepreneurs and start-ups lack basic legal essentials due to high fees, lawyer rates, and are frequently unrepresented and underserved by the legal profession. They get it #lawyersareexpensive. That’s why they created Briefcase!
Q: How was the idea for your business was born:
A: As attorneys that serve businesses on a daily basis we have heard the complaints from entrepreneurs about dealing with law firms. For most businesses, direct access to a competent lawyer is perceived as too expensive. In founding Briefcase we wanted to match legal complexity and cost. “Essential” legal protection can actually be affordable and understandable for all businesses. We created this platform for that purpose.

Q: Were there any obstacles you faced early on?
A: We have faced some early criticism within our own profession.  Others think what we were offering might have the effect of devaluing the $400 billion dollar legal industry. We see it differently. Our response has been to describe what Briefcase offers as “triage” of legal issues similar to the innovation that has been created in the medical industry, an industry which has clearly not been devalued by innovation.  The law firm model is over 100 years old and has historically made access to attorneys a problematic and costly effort. The legal industry is ripe for innovation.
Reference :

Hope you were inspired.

Paint it All Red


Oh ooh ohh
I tried to keep from being emotional
I paint it all red
All red
With the blood of Jesus
I paint it all red
All red (paint it all red)
All red (that’s what I said)
With the blood of Jesus
Everything in my life I paint it all red


I’ve got so much to say; but not enough space to say it all
Hope you learn from my mistakes; I hope you stand and never fall
But that’s not realistic a good man fell at least seven times
And if you never messed up; you can never be qualified
(Mmm mmm)
I dip my life in the blood of Jesus; I paint it all red


What’s a gift with no power; and what’s power with no passion
And what’s passion with no vision; what’s vision with no fashion
There’s a new world open to me; with favor I cannot imagine
God had to knocked me down; to get off to battle wagon
To a blazing new trail; with new testimonies to tell
And to make it to heaven; sometimes you gotta go through hell
And memories of past failures; don’t let them linger in your head
Mmmm, just dip your mind in the blood of Jesus; paint it
alllll reeeed

God’s working on a master piece; God’s ain’t through with me
I feel like Donatello with the paint brush everywhere I go
And the picture ever beautiful; just like a painting from
I feel like Leonardo da Vinci when he made the Mona Lisa
Painted by the nailed-scarred hands of God;
I will be the new preacher[1]

[1] Paint it Red by Derrick Haddon.

Photo credit :

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

The Promise --- John 1:12

"But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name (Jesus), he gave the right to become children of God,"

Give Thanks

In a troubled heart on my bed

I thought about the birds

They've got no store, farm or market

Yet start every new day with exceeding joy

Singing praises to their creator

With wings lifted high they sings his praise

And in this emarge their day's provision.

If ordinary birds could give praise unconditionally.

And through this derive provision for another day,

How much more humans, whom he made the head of them all.

Goodmoring to you.

# thankfulheart
# filledwithpraise .
# israelkuti  .

Credit :

Tuesday, January 12, 2016


I have always want to start from somewhere,

Never wanted to end up just anywhere,

I am willing to touch the sky, if no one has ever did,

And if someone has, then am willing to go beyond,

I want to be strong, I want to be mighty,

I want to move the mountain with the tip of my finger,

But I feel weak, sometimes am down,

I feel like I cant go anymore, so many odds,

I am tired of being myself,

I just want to run away from me but the me in me keeps going,

it never wants to give up,

it never wants to crawl when it can run,

it never want to run when it can fly,

my body is getting weak but I've got no reason to stop,

why should I stop?

Even when the day never cease to break,

No matter how bad the previous was,

The sky isn't the limit

Author : Godwin Michael Ukpabi

Refrence :


A revelation transported through generation

From the earth's voidness to cultivation

The lights that depicts the time

The ocean with its own unique tide

The fishes did swim in comfort

The fruits of the tree with its soft pods

The birds of the air with their distinct language

The animals of the earth moves in their various range.

The lilies life span is a mystery

The scientist creates various theories

But none can ever explain the luxury of the galaxies

The stars hanging without a magnet

The sun shining without a remote

The sky itself ' A Mystery to behold

The grass's got green colour, who is the painter?

Oh fool claiming there is no GOD, the oxygen you breathe,

how many cylinders did you buy?

The food you eat, what have you done to germinate its seed?

If truly you came from a tadpole or ape, then who created the ape?

If earth was formed from a rolling stone, then who created the stone.

Oh ye philosophers of ages!!!

Your theory goes into extinction @ the arrival of new

But the true creation story did stood the test of time.

When i behold the wonders of all the works, i come to a conclusion

That the creator, created the creation(animals and plants) to cradle and cuddle the creation.(Man).

# heavyheart
# deepthought
# truecreation
# inhisimage .
# israelkuti .

Credit :

Monday, January 11, 2016


The  journey isn't funny
On your two tentacles u've got to move on beaming
The rugged road with its cruelty teeth so gnashing
Yet unseen is your last breath courage
The road so deserted
With fountains of no harvest
To quench the thirst that has got you perplexed
The passersby you gladly approach
Their friendly company you sincerely propose
Yet straight in your eye they gave a reproach
Yet in this desertion, i journeyed the road
To my faintest cry did God reply
Nothing kept me still, than his utmost concern
Soonest the road will tell her story
0f a sojourner who quenched his troubles
Down the memory lane without a plane.
Connect with Israel on Facebook - Israel Kuti
Thanks for reading. Comment, share but mostly enjoy.
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The Goal of Mission (Discipleship)

"Therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world." [1] Amen.
Popularly, many people think of the "go" as the heart of the commission, where as the "make disciple" is the heart. Pastors who reinforce this erroneous idea don't see anything a missionary is doing, staying on the field one, two, three year, while he goes about preach and get people converted, they emphasize that while everyone cannot go, they can pray, support, encourage and so forth that those who can go should go. But it's due lack of proper understanding of the scriptures. GO is the command, make disciples is the work.
Getting people converted is easy with the help of the Holy spirit, making them to become disciple is the real work. To disciple them, they have to be taught, baptize them, and taught to observe all things that Jesus commanded.
If they confess Christ today, that is when the real work begins. You have to run after them, teach them again before they will drop idolatry practices; teaching them again and again before they will keep the day of the Lord holy; teaching them again and again before they will see what is wrong in alcoholism, smoking, adultery, fornication, stealing, worldliness, etc. Teaching them again and again before they can work for God; teaching them again and again before they will be able to stand on their own; know how to pay, hear from God, do personal devotion and family devotion, observe quite time, do personal bible reading, know how to listen to God, cultivate habit of fellowship, give etc. You will have to teach them again and again about  the Holy Spirit, His ministry,  His gifts, baptism of the Holy Spirit etc. You just have to keep teaching them again and again until they understand, otherwise, you have just labored to catch fish and you are too tired to process it. If you just leave it on the ground, it will get spoiled  and will not be useful for anybody. You have just wasted your efforts and the life of the fish also.
This is the reason many great crusade produce great result but no great imparts. Many of the converts of the great crusade are back into their vomit and their latter end is now worse than the beginning, all because there is no good mechanism n the ground to make disciple f them. No follow up strategy.
So, the core of the work is not "Go" it is "disciple". Many Christians including missionaries lack this understanding. They just keep going, preaching everywhere, opening new fields, raising new converts, but they don't bother about making disciples. When many of those centers soon close up, reaching them again becomes difficult, because they have known the truth, but had backsliden restore them is always very difficult. It is not just about going, it is about making disciples, anybody can go, but few can be patient enough to make disciples out of those stark illiterate staying that cannot read or write, with very low understanding of physical things let alone spiritual things, it takes a missionary heart to make disciple out of them. [2]
Converts to disciples not only cut across to mission but to everyone who want to leave a legacy: to teacher and students, to masters and apprentices, elders and youth etc. Disciple demands follow up, patience and time.
I hope you have enjoyed this piece comment, share and be inspired. Thanks for reading. 
1. Bible, Matthew 28:18-20
2. Oluwatobi Steven Adeniyi (2015) Understanding Missions. Pg79-80

Friday, January 8, 2016

Thunderclap It - TEEP 2016

Following a successful year of entrepreneurship with over
20,000 applications from 52 countries across Africa and
1,000 selected African entrepreneurs, the 2nd application
phase of the N15 billion (an equivalent of $100 million) Tony
Elumelu Foundation Entrepreneurship Programme (TEEP) is
now open.
Together, we will join forces to support Africa’s next
entrepreneurial success stories, and shin
 a spotlight on
their transformative business ideas.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

The African Mother I grew To know

With  great sacrity she keeps her Virginity.

With utmost humility presents herself to her Authorised better half.

With Obedience and first class moral, she doth tie her wrapper.

As the fish swim in the ocean, so does she in her legally acquired in-home

Generosity are her pick when relation is concerned.

Gracefully she doth conceive
Yet in her pregnancy, respects her head.
With the right attire she doth carry her pregnancy.
At birth, she stresslessly shit it out.

With her long acquired moral she trained the child
Foods are the last resort when her breast is readily milky.
With much love, the baby enjoys the natural heat at her back
With great morals the child grew to become what the mother wanted.

Oh New mothers of africa!
What befell thy once acquired doctrine
Thy dignity had become the cheapest of all wares
Like a satchet water in a trade fair
Thy marriage are no longer before birth!
The kids you begot, are fed in the white men's way,
Your better half no longer commands respect as of old
Kneeling to you as become a taboo.
Why loose your value
Why forget thou thy culture?
Rise up thou women of africa
Bring back the Once availing dignity in the African culture.


Connect with Israel on Facebook - IsraelKuti

Thanks for reading. Comment, share but mostly enjoy.

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Wednesday, January 6, 2016

18-year-old Nobel Peace Prize laureate Malala Yousafzai : Islam and terrorism

Malala Yousafzai was 15 when she was shot in the head by militants from the Pakistani Taliban. The youngest Nobel Peace Prize laureate Malala Yousafzai
is shaking her head at the statements made by U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump that Muslims have found offensive. When asked by Channel 4 in the United Kingdom about the "wild things being said about Islam and Muslims," particularly Trump's call to bar Muslim entry into the United States, the 18-year-old Malala suggested that Trump should be more careful about the things he is saying.

"The more you speak about Islam and against all Muslims, the more terrorists we create," she said, according to the
Huffington Post .

"It's important that whatever politicians say, whatever the media say, they should be really, really careful about it. If your intention is to stop terrorism, do not try to blame the whole population of Muslims for it because it cannot stop terrorism. It will radicalise more terrorists," she added.

In another press interview, Malala described Trump's
comments as "tragic" and "full of hatred, full of this ideology of being discriminative towards others." If anyone understands what it feels like to be discriminated against, it is Malala. Back in 2012, the Pakistani girl almost lost her life after she was shot in the head by a Taliban gunman for simply going to school and promoting education for girls. Malala miraculously survived the attack and has continued to champion education since then. Malala has long been saying that education, not discrimination, is the key to stopping terrorism.

"If we want to end terrorism we need to bring quality
education so we defeat the mindset of terrorism mentality
and of hatred," said Malala.

Malala has been named as "The 100 Most Influential People in the World" by TIME magazine in the years 2013, 2014,
and 2015. She is also the author of the book "I Am Malala:
The Girl Who Stood Up for Education and Was Shot by the Taliban."

[1] 18-year-old Nobel Peace Prize laureate Malala Yousafzai lectures Donald Trump on Islam and terrorism by Czarina Ong, Published 17 December 2015.


The dusty and crumbs filled cloud announces your arrival

The shrinking skin welcomes thy tenure

Faces of cyclist are easily powdered

Your arrival reminds every individual that he is fur-less

Air conditioners bow at thy fist

Incomparable is thy impact on Agriculture

You gave full confirmation to the year end, in the years when calenders were absent.

Materials fear at thy gnashing teeth of breakability

With unseen legs, you trod to and fro the earth

The tarred roads feels thy impact

The Untarred dusty roads prays for thy quick departure

Students tremble more at the lash of the brown stick during thy tenure

Cover cloths and sweaters you earned more respect

For the short duration of your tenure, you command great respect.

Oh harmattan!!!!!!!!!!!
Thy creator we duely honour.....

Connect with Israel on Facebook -Israel Kuti
Thanks for reading. Comment, share but mostly enjoy.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

TEEP 2016 - What about it?

The Tony Elumelu Foundation Entrepreneurship Programme (TEEP) is the flagship entrepreneurship programme of the Tony Elumelu Foundation, founded by the entrepreneur, respected investor and philanthropist Tony O. Elumelu.
The pan-African programme is inspired by the Founder’s:
Inclusive economic philosophy of Africapitalism, based on the belief that a vibrant African-led private sector is the key to unlocking Africa’s economic and social potential,
Commitment to drive African economic growth through the fostering of African entrepreneurship,
Mission to institutionalise luck and create an environment where home-grown pan-African companies in various sectors can flourish.

Our vision is to establish the pre-eminent pan-African entrepreneurship programme and create 10,000 startups across Africa within the next 10 years that generate significant employment and wealth.

Identify 10,000 African startups and entrepreneurs with ideas that have the potential to succeed
Grow the businesses through business skills training, mentoring, access to seed capital funding, information and membership in our Africa-wide alumni network
Create businesses that can generate at least 1,000,000 new jobs and contribute at least $10 billion in revenues across Africa over 10 years.
The Tony Elumelu Foundation Entrepreneurship Programme is a tool for implementing this vision. The programme is open to young compelling businesses with strong market feasibility, clear financial models and run by capable teams.
Selection into the programme will be a thorough process with no quotas of any kind to simply identify the game changers in the continent. The programme will support selected Tony Elumelu Entrepreneurs through the 7 Pillars of TEEP, a framework that includes mentorship, online and live learning, as well as access to information, networking and seed capital.[1]

Friday, January 1, 2016

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