
Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Worry is NOT Care

"Darling where are you? I've been worried about you..." This was a statement made by a loving wife to her husband. He had been out all day and no one knew his where about. The wife was so worried, so she made that statement. Looking into the statement, I would like us to understand the meaning of the word "worry" first. Worry has its origin from old English word from West Germanic meaning "strangle" or in Middle English “choke”. Worry is a feeling of actual or potential difficulty. From the origin and meaning of worry I have been able to understand that worry means to feel danger and be stiff, or be choke, been helpless and just expecting what ever happen next. "I was worried you wouldn't be able to control yourself, that's why I ask Tayo, your friend to keep a close watch on you. I care about you son." Care contrary to worry means to keep save and provide for. It also means to provide what is necessary for health, maintenance etc. Before one can care one must have felt a difficulty in situation or a person. From the two statements we can derive that worry is identifying a difficulty but care is providing what is necessary in a situation. Viewing it in a broader course one can say worry comes first while care follows. As humans we get shocked by sudden changes. This is changes causes us to worry and we do not take case might kill us. I have noticed that most people stop at worry instead of proceeding to care for themselves or others. Taking for an example a person had a set back at work, he is worried on how to feed the family. The truth is, his worry is good but what's better is for him to move on to start caring Finding ways to provide again. Worry is just to identify while care is where the solution is. No wonder the scripture say “Do not worry about anything but by prayer petition and thanksgiving offer you request to God" Philippians 4:6. Without doubt there are very bad situations in which man doesn't know the way out or just too depressed to find the way out. I tell you now the way out is by casting all your burdens on Jesus for he loves you and care for you. For anyone will to do this you just have to believe in your heart and confess in your heart. That Jesus Christ is Lord and has come to save you. For the scripture says" For God so Loved the World that he gave is only begotten son that whoever believe in him shall not perish but have everlasting life." if still confused about how God will help in your situation just do this and you will see him giving fresh ideas, providing opportunity etc. If you just accepted Christ as your lord and saviour you must first attend a bible believe church and you can register at to meet many other believer like you on the internet. Remember worry is to identify that there is a problem while care is the solution. So, why not stop worrying today and start caring allow God to guard you heart Thanks you for reading. Stay blessed.

Monday, June 16, 2014

"If you need wisdom- if you want to know what God wants you to do- ask him, and he will gladly tell you. He will not resent your asking" James 1:6 TNLT

Monday, June 9, 2014

Friends Forever

Distant miles apart,
I look back,
Just to find you there,
A long distance away,
I wish you were here,
But I know you can't,

Side by side we fought,
This battle of life,
Making sure,
We don't get hurt,
Now we are apart,

Space seems strong,
Trying to pull us apart,
But I'm not the least scared,
You are still here,
My heart still beats of you,
The war we fought together,

Today I still hold you dear,
Tomorrow I'm will not forget you,
You live in me,
Friend forever.

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